09 Января
DPP Audit/Assurance Manager( ООО «KPMG AUDIT» )
Компания "ООО «KPMG AUDIT»" Key Responsibilities Reviewing and answering audit and assurance-related formal and informal queries from KPMG audit engagement teams in accordance with International Standards of Auditing (ISA’s), ISAE and ISRE and so on. Responsible for coaching and providing input to audit teams during the consultation process. Active involvement in the preparation of...
09 Января
Audit Manager( ООО «KPMG AUDIT» )
Компания "ООО «KPMG AUDIT»" KPMG is one of the world’s most acknowledged companies delivering audit services for clients from a broad range of industries. Audit is an independent verification of the financial statements for the reliability of the provided information. Audit involves certain processes and procedures designed to verify if a true and fair financial statement posted on the...
Вакансии: Аудитор в Узбекистане
09 Января
DPP Audit/Assurance Manager( ООО «KPMG AUDIT» )
Компания "ООО «KPMG AUDIT»" Key Responsibilities Reviewing and answering audit and assurance-related formal and informal queries from KPMG audit engagement teams in accordance with International Standards of Auditing (ISA’s), ISAE and ISRE and so on. Responsible for coaching and providing input to audit teams during the consultation process. Active involvement in the preparation of...
09 Января
Audit Manager( ООО «KPMG AUDIT» )
Компания "ООО «KPMG AUDIT»" KPMG is one of the world’s most acknowledged companies delivering audit services for clients from a broad range of industries. Audit is an independent verification of the financial statements for the reliability of the provided information. Audit involves certain processes and procedures designed to verify if a true and fair financial statement posted on the...